Pawon Cave Mystery of Ancient Man

Located at 601 m asl, Pawon cave located on a hilltop Pawon which is limestone mining area, and in ancient times the banks of Lake Ancient Bandung. A natural cave waiting for you to browse. You can enjoy the natural beauty of the mountains and the weather is still cool, and can also see the release of water is very clear from the rocks. enjoy the inside of the cave where the scenery and the rocks there looked very beautiful. Challenge yourself with activities also caving is a key activity in this cave complete with multiple levels of difficulty.

for the citizens of the Village of Mount Masigit Pawon, Cipatat District of Bandung Regency Country Indonesia is perhaps not too special. The location of the cave that was in the location of various types of stone mining was only considered as one location interrupted by mining rock shelter or children's playground. However, who would have thought if in this cave turned out to save the past lives mystery of Ancient Man. The cave was discovered 20 250 bones and fragments of stone which is estimated to 4050 approximately 10 thousand years old. The findings of the 'large' quite appalling people of West Java is expected to uncover the history of human civilization Sunda. Moreover, during this, Bandung and its surrounding area is very poor from archaeological findings, especially concerning human civilization that later dubbed ahistorical.

Based on survey results A.C. De Yong and G.H.R. Von Koenigswald years 1930-1935, found the tools of the past culture of obsidian materials, kalsidon, quartzite, chert and andesite in the form of arrows, knives, penyerut, stone bracelets, stone sharpening of Age Preneolitik, whose life began to settle in caves or niche or region is often found in limestone hills.

Pawon cave has a length of 38 m and 16 m wide, over medium-high roof of the cave can not be known with certainty because of the time found the cave roof collapsed. Floor of the cave left only a small portion on the west side because it was dug by local people for taking fospat with a depth of 4-5 m. While the floor of the central part of the roof buried by chunks of debris, most of whom were eroded, thus forming a pretty steep slope.

The results of excavations in 2003 and 2004 found various forms of artifacts, features or ekofak that can characterize the existence of such sites in the past. Artifacts consisting of broken tiles, pottery, tools flakes, tools lancipan and spatula-shaped bone, stone tools at (perkutor), the rest of the jewelry made from animal teeth and teeth of fish, mollusks and a very significant finding of the existence of past life in the form of framework people. It is also found to be non artefaktual such as bone fragments and mollusks. Presence in Goa Pawon likely occurred because of the food chain stitch that has ever happened in the past, in this case as part of the fulfillment of food needs (consumption) and may also be used in the manufacture of equipment for daily living.

The discovery of these objects obtained from a depth of from 10 centimeters. From the findings of rocks on the location of the site, there are andesite, which is certainly not from the area of ​​karst rocks or chalk. estimated rock was taken from somewhere else as the equipment life.

Earlier in 2004, the excavation team discovered an ancient skeleton in the intact condition. The findings are rare this year resumed the plot next to the findings of the framework. The goal is to find forms of life in Goa Pawon first. archaeologists believe early humans in caves Pawon and other limestone mountains in the region live in groups or have a community. most likely there are similarities with the early humans who lived in the forest area expert Dago, Bandung.
