
Travel and Tourism info

This blog provides comprehensive travel and map information about Indonesia and major cities in Indonesia. Various international organizations including UN, World Bank and the World Tourism Organization (WTO), has acknowledged that tourism is an integral part of human life, especially concerning social and economic activities. Starting from the activities which previously only enjoyed by a handful of people who are relatively wealthy at the beginning of the 20th century, has now become a part of human rights, as stated by John Naisbitt in his book Global Paradox, namely that "w here once travel was Considered a privilege of the moneyed elite, now it is Considered a basic human right. This happens not only in developed countries but are beginning to be felt also in developing countries including Indonesia as well.

In this connection, various countries including Indonesia was also enjoying the impact of increased tourism world, especially in the period 1990 to 1996. Storm of economic crisis that hit Indonesia since late 1997, is a very valuable experience for the Indonesian tourism community to do the re-positioning as well as the re-vitalization of Indonesian tourism activities. Besides, based on Law no. 25 of 2000 about the tourism program of the National Planning to get a new assignment to contribute to accelerate the recovery national economy and restore the image of Indonesia in the international world. Assignment is further complicated, especially after faced with new challenges due to the tragedy of 11 September 2001 in the United States.

Facing the challenges and opportunities, we have performed also the changing role of government in the field of culture and tourism which in the past acted as executor of development, now more focused only on government duties primarily as a facilitator for tourism activities undertaken by the private sector can grow more rapidly. The role of the facilitator here can be interpreted as creating a comfortable climate for the perpetrators of cultural activities and tourism can be developed efficiently and effectively.

Besides the tourism sub-sector was expected to move the people's economy, because it is considered a sector that most readily in terms of facilities, facilities and infrastructure compared to other business sectors. Hope this developed in a community empowerment strategy through the development of tourism-based democratic or community-based tourism development.
